Our IVF Journey

Beachwood, NJ (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Our IVF Journey

by Danielle Buonacore

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $30,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $1,800.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$1,800.00 raised of $30,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Beachwood, NJ (US)

Danielle Buonacore is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hello everyone and welcome to our IVF journey. We were very skeptical about getting out there with our story and originally only spoke on it to our closest friends and family, mainly to keep the pressure low during the journey. But to properly start off, I guess we should explain.

Back in June 2021, I went to Josh and spoke to him about seeing a fertility specialist for future treatments. I had an unsettling, gut feeling starting a family would be hard for me. I watched all of my friends giving birth to such beautiful babies and I guess I feared not knowing if that day would ever come for me. So maybe it was more fear that made my gut feeling so strong, but whatever it is I am glad I listened. Josh agreed to go and swore up and down the first try I would get pregnant. It is now October of 2022, 4 failed medicated cycles, 5 failed IUI cycles, 9 trigger shots and 9 courses of oral medications later and here we are, still waiting for our BFP. (In IVF slang, that’s big fat positive for pregnancy test, you learn a lot of IVF slang joining various communities)

Our doctors ran a series of bloodwork, tests, genetic screenings, sonograms, and pretty much all major diagnostic testing to come up with literally not one answer. “Unexplained” is the reason we keep hearing and recently heard from our third doctor. In hindsight sometimes I feel like maybe a solid diagnosis would make this all less stressful rather than wondering why. Leading up until now, we have covered majority of the costs being that insurance has practically been non existent in our story. We came down to a point where we 1. Keep trying less invasive ways and stacking up bills or 2. Skip the same routine and start IVF. Being that we have made the 9th attempt mark, we decided IVF would be the best decision, however of course the cost is steep.

We have brainstormed, I have strategically mapped out payment plans and loans, along with separate medication costs and our separate life responsibilities as well and we can make it work but a little help would be so very appreciated during this journey.

This journey is not a “need” in terms of life or death. It is not a necessity to some people to start a family. For us, we have yearned for this blessing. We have cried, laughed, yelled, stressed, and all of the in between on this journey so far. For us, we “need” this. We have read other couples who have raised funds to help aid them in their journey and after hitting this point we figured “why not?”

we appreciate everyone for your support and kindness on this subject and hope that if you are unable to donate, you send us some baby dust and prayers instead. All is welcome ❤️ Also please feel free to share and help widen the range or possible contributions.

Thank you so so much. Josh & Danielle


  • 09-26-2022

    A little follow up!

    So unfortunately circling back around, we were informed that the refundable cycles are actually something you need to test for to be qualified to enter. But we are keeping our heads high! We are starting the journey and staying positive. The cost of the journey has been reduced now that we will just be paying for the one cycle. All help and donations are appreciated. Anything can help and we appreciate your support on this journey ❤️

Name Donation Date
Sara Bautista-Ramos $50.00 October 05, 2022
Lauren Oconnor $150.00 October 05, 2022
Patrick Charles $100.00 October 03, 2022
Michael Richvalsky $40.00 October 03, 2022
Anonymous $50.00 October 02, 2022
Daniella Gaughan $20.00 October 02, 2022
Marissa King $50.00 October 02, 2022
Robert Buonacore $100.00 September 27, 2022
Tsivia Ovadia $100.00 August 17, 2022
Kelly Franco $100.00 August 16, 2022
Nagat Saleh $100.00 August 15, 2022
Ferenc Nagy $20.00 August 15, 2022
Vanessa Richards $20.00 August 15, 2022
Faith Newman $300.00 August 14, 2022
Stephanie Santiago $100.00 August 14, 2022
Shanika Yearwood $100.00 August 13, 2022
Caitlyn Gray $100.00 August 12, 2022
Robert Buonacore $300.00 August 11, 2022
Michael Richvalsky commented with a $40 donation about 2 years ago
Wish you all the best and keep the positivity and keep going :)
Anonymous commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
Best of luck on your journey to motherhood ?
Daniella Gaughan commented with a $20 donation about 2 years ago
Wishing you both the best on your journey to having a family ♡ sending lots of love, prayers, and baby dust!!
Marissa King commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
Love you PAGIRLS
Kelly Franco commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
I love you so much xoxoxo?
Vanessa Richards commented with a $20 donation about 3 years ago
All the best on your journey, Danielle. Praying all goes well!
Stephanie Santiago commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
It isn’t much but something towards your goal
Robert Buonacore commented with a $300 donation about 3 years ago
It will all work out. Love you most